UHP K-12 Pathway Programs and Initiatives

UIC Urban Health Club
Our Goal.
The UIC Urban Health Program Urban Health Club (UHC) is an academic enrichment school-year program that aims to expose high school participants (9-12th grade) to health careers and career pathways, prepare participants for the college application process, and motivate them to pursue a health career.
Our Team.
The UHC program coordinators are University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) pre-health undergraduate and health professional students who serve as instructors and mentors.
Our Curriculum.
The UHC curriculum focuses on 1) Health careers exposure and health sciences; 2) College readiness & professional skills development; 3) Public health & civic engagement.
Our Contact Information.
Email us: uihealthchampions@uic.edu
Follow us on Instagram: @uic.urbanhealthclub